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The God of the underworld, Osiris was the husband of Isis and the brother of Set.

Symbols: crook and flail, djed, White and Atef Crowns, bull,  mummified form, throne, Bennu (phoenix) Cult Center: Abydos, Busiris and Heliopolis


A God of the earth and vegetation, Osiris symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile and the growth of grain. He was a god-king who was believed to have given Egypt civilization.


Osiris was the first child of Nut and Geb, and therefore the brother of Seth, Nephthys, and Isis. He was married to his sister, Isis. He was also the father of Horus and Anubis. These traditions state that Nephthys (mother of Anubis) assumed the form of Isis, seduced him (perhaps with wine) and she became pregnant with Anubis.





The God Ausar aka Osiris


Burial Chamber: rear wall (left part) - KV 62

Valley of the Kings East Valley, Thebes West Bank, Thebes, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Tutankhamen


The god Ausar (Osiris) was the central deity in ancient Egyptian mortuary rituals. He is ruler of the Underworld and associated with resurrection. Ausar is also associated with agricultural renewal. He is depicted as a man wrapped in white mummy bandages and holding the crook and the flail, both symbols of kingship. He is also wearing the White Crown a symbol of the South.


According to Egyptian mythology, Ausar was murdered by his brother Seth then brought back to life by the love of his sister and wife, Auset (Isis). This myth describes the forces of destruction that initiated the process of mummification. The love of Auset is symbolic of regeneration and the promise of eternal life. The cycle of destruction, death and rebirth was repeated each year in the annual flood of the Nile, the river that provided the essential ingredients needed to sustain life, giving birth to one of the first civilizations. 


Ausar (Osiris) and Auset (Isis) had a son named Heru (Horus). Together they represent a holy family: god, goddess and divine child. In the New Kingdom, the main temples throughout Egypt venerated a holy family modelled on the Ausar, Auset and Heru triad. 

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