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The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet also known as ''The Eye of Ra''

The name Wadjet is derived from "wadj" meaning "green", hence "the green one", and was known to the Greeks and Romans as "uraeus" from the Egyptian "iaret" meaning "risen one" from the image of a cobra rising up in protection.  Wadjet was one of the earliest of Egyptian deities who later became associated with other goddesses such asBast, Sekhmet, Mut, and Hathor. She was the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt and the major Delta shrine the "per-nu" was under her protection.[7] Hathor is also depicted with this eye.[8]

Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Wadjet or Eye of Horus is "the central element" of seven "gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli" bracelets found on the mummy of Shoshenq II.[3] The Wedjat "was intended to protect the pharaoh [here] in the afterlife"[3] and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel.[9]

Encoded within the ancient Egyptian Symbolism of the “Eye of Horus”  we discover the same six sense system as that of the Indian Vedanta.  Also used for Mathmatics by Ancient Egytian Scribes.

Usually, it is the right eye shown as the udjat, although the left is not uncommon. This is probably because of another myth that say that the sun and the moon were the right (sun) and left (moon) eyes of the sky god and the sun is seen as more powerful.


Each piece of the udjat can be seen as representing a fraction of the descending geometric series 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc., put together they make 63/64 or approximately 1.

The entire eye measured 1 heqat. And each of the parts of the eye measured fractions of the heqat.


These are the parts of the EYE and their corresponding associated fraction values :


This part of the EYE represents planting a stick into the ground. Like planting a stalk that will take root. The Earth represents touch. Planting itself represents physical contact and touching.


Taste 1/32 heqat or 10 ro
This part of the EYE represents the sprouting of the wheat or grain from the planted stalk. It is the food we put into our mouth. And so represents taste. Taste is also = Touch + Shape. That is to say, the different tastes we experience come from touching different shapes. So, touch is more a fundamental sense that taste.


Hearing 1/16 heqat or 20 ro
This part of the EYE represents the EAR. The figure points towards the ear on the face. Also, it has the shape of a horn or musical instrument. When we Hear a sound or combination of sounds we find this to be pleasing or unpleasant. The sound has a taste for us, causing a preference. Sound requires Touch + Taste and so is a combination of the lower senses.


This part of the EYE represents thought. We often use our eyebrows to express our thoughts. And this facial feature is closest to that part of the forehead we associate with thinking. We raise our eyebrows to express surprise, for example. Thought = Touch + Taste + Hearing. If you think  about it. Thinking is a kind of suppressed sound. The language we think in is like the *touch* of muscle prior to giving voice. And of course, we have a *taste* for different types of thoughts.


This is the pupil of the EYE. And so no more needs to be said. It represents seeing, or the sensation of light.


 Smell 1/2 heqat or 160 ro
This part of the EYE points to the nose. It even looks like a nose. It represents the sensation of smell.

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