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Maat the Egyptian Goddess


She stood for truth and justice. In fact the name Ma'at means truth in Egyptian. Her followers believed that after death their hearts would be weighed against herwhite feather of judgement. If the heart weighed the same they would be allowed to cross into the kingdom of Osiris (Paradise). However those that failed the test would be devoured by the crocodile headed God Ammut.I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


Origins and Genealogy: The Black/African Goddess of truth, justice and reality was the daughter of Ra.  Maat the Egyptian Goddess was the consort of Thoth and bore him eight children known collectively as the Chief Gods and Goddesses of Hermopolis. Her most famous child was Amon.

Strengths: Balancing and just. Weaknesses: Very exacting in her standards. There were no second chances.

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